Tag: redemption

Does a Foreclosure Sale Determine Fair Market Value in Georgia?

The answer is a resounding yes according to an interesting case that came out recently. SeeDekalb County Board Of Tax Assessors v. Astor Atl, LLC, A19A0516 (April 1, 2019). In that case, the Georgia Court of Appeals rejected DeKalb County’s argument that it could assess property taxes in an amount higher than the price paid for the same property at a foreclosure sale.

Dekalb County argued that a foreclosure sale does not qualify under as an arm’s length, bona fide sale, and that it had appraised the property in conformity with its rules using the sales comparison approach.

In deciding the case, the Georgia Court of Appeals referenced O.C.G.A. § 48-5-2(3), which provides a limitation on the maximum allowable fair market value. Under that statute, “the transaction amount of the most recent arm’s length, bona fide sale in any year shall be the maximum allowable fair market value for the next taxable year.”

The decision concluded by holding that foreclosure sales can be arm’s length, bona fide sales. Moreover, the fact that the sale may not bring in the true market value of the property does not require a different rule; the fact that the sale results in a financial loss is not relevant.

The court noted that foreclosure sales are distinct from tax sales. While foreclosures are considered arm’s length, bona fide sales, tax sales are considered “forced sales” because owner retains a right of redemption, so the tax deed purchaser does not obtain proper title until the redemption period has run.

While this isn’t super helpful in the current market with surging property values, it would definitely help investors should the real estate market turn south down the road. Something to keep in mind.

Please call us at 404-382-9994 for real estate related questions.

Can a tax commissioner apply excess funds to post-tax sale property taxes?

Iglesia Del Dios Vivo Columna Y Apoyo De La Verdad La Luz Del Mundo, Inc. v. Downing, 321 Ga. App. 778 (2013) addressed this issue, and the answer, quite simply, is NO. (Bonus points for being able to say the plaintiff’s name in that case three times fast.)

The guiding statute is O.C.G.A. § 48-4-5, which provides that any excess funds existing “after paying taxes, costs, and all expenses of a sale made by the tax commissioner” shall be distributed “to the owner or owners as their interests appear in the order of priority in which their interests exist.”

So, while a tax commissioner is authorized to apply excess funds to satisfy outstanding property taxes owed by the delinquent taxpayer that accrued before the tax sale, it can’t do so after the tax sale. This reasoning for this is that the tax deed purchaser, not the delinquent taxpayer, is liable for post-tax sale property taxes.

What about a situation in which post-tax sale property taxes accrue before the tax deed purchaser has barred the right of redemption? In this situation, the delinquent taxpayer still has possession and the tax deed purchaser doesn’t have full title. Is the delinquent taxpayer jointly liable with the tax deed purchaser? According to the Downing case, the answer is no.  Only the tax deed purchaser is liable for post-tax sale property taxes; this is regardless of whether the right to redeem has been barred.

Who Gets Excess Tax Sale Funds in Georgia?

Revisiting a previous post, under Georgia law, a tax commissioner holds excess funds generated by a tax sale in a fiduciary capacity, and the disbursement of those funds is governed by OCGA § 48-4-5. But, after a tax sale, if there are excess funds after paying taxes, costs, and all expenses of a sale, who gets these funds? The answer, generally, is distribution of excess tax funds is based on the right to the funds at the time of the tax sale.

When there are excess tax funds, the officer selling the property shall give written notice of the excess funds to the record owner of the property at the time of the tax sale and to the record owner of each security deed affecting the property and to all other parties having any recorded equity interest or claim in such property at the time of the tax sale. Such notice shall be sent by first-class mail within 30 days after the tax sale, and shall contain a description of the land sold, the date sold, the name and address of the tax sale purchaser, the total sale price, and the amount of excess funds collected and held by the tax commissioner, tax collector, sheriff, or other officer. The notice shall state that the excess funds are available for distribution to the owner or owners as their interests appear in the order of priority in which their interests exist.

If there is a dispute regarding who is entitled to the excess tax funds, an interpleader is filed and the excess funds are distributed by the superior court to the intended parties, including the owner, as their interests appear and in the order of priority in which their interests exist.

Some issues that come up in regard to distribution of excess tax funds is whether a “super-lien” obtained via a redemption gives the redeeming party a right to claim the excess funds. The answer is no because a super-lien places a lien on the real property but not on the excess tax sale funds.

Another issue is when additional taxes come due after the tax sale—is the tax commissioner allowed to use the excess funds for taxes due after the tax sale? The answer is no because the tax deed purchaser is the party responsible for paying property taxes after the tax sale. The remedy for the tax purchaser is to add taxes paid to the redemption price.

And, finally, what happens if the owner of the property sells the property after the tax sale? Is the new owner entitled to the excess tax sale funds? The answer is no. Georgia law considers excess tax sale funds to be personal property; thus, these funds do not attach to the real estate. One exception is if the sales agreement contains language assigning the excess tax sale funds, then the person who sold the property loses their right to the excess funds.  Georgia Lien Services, Inc. v. Barrett, 272 Ga. App. 656 (2005).

Georgia Tax Deed Purchasers Are Responsible for Paying Association Dues

Under Georgia law, a tax deed purchaser is obligated to pay homeowners’ association assessments that come due after the tax sale. See Croft v. Fairfield Plantation Property Owners Assn., 276 Ga. App. 311, 314 (2005). This includes the period before the purchaser can foreclose on the right of redemption. Georgia courts have held that a tax deed purchaser acquires sufficient title to trigger automatic membership in the association. The rationale is that assessments and fees paid to a homeowners’ associations benefit a tax deed purchaser.

The good news for tax deed holders is that Georgia courts allow tax deed holders to include condominium association assessments paid as part of the redemption price. Harvest Assets, LLC v. Northlake Manor Condo. Assn., 340 Ga. App. 237 (2017).

Redeem a (Non-Judicial) Tax Deed

In Georgia, when property taxes are unpaid, a county is entitled to auction the property to the highest bidder to recover the unpaid property taxes. There are two types of auctions: non-judicial and judicial. This post only covers redeeming a property following a non-judicial tax sale, which includes most tax sales in Georgia.

Following a non-judicial tax sale, the taxpayer or any person who holds right, title, interest in, or a lien on the property may redeem the property within 12 months from the date of sale by paying the redemption amount. OCGA § 48-4-40. Redeeming means paying the tax deed purchaser to get the property back. The property may be redeemed at any time after the initial 12 months until the tax sale buyer forecloses (or terminates) the right to do so by giving proper notice.

To redeem a property following a tax sale, the redeeming party must pay the amount paid for the property at the tax sale, plus any taxes paid on the property by the purchaser after the sale for taxes, plus any special assessments on the property, plus a premium of 20 percent of the amount for the first year, plus 10 percent for each year after that. OCGA § 48-4-2.

After 12 months from the date of the tax sale, the purchaser can forever bar redemption of the property by giving notice to the delinquent taxpayer, the occupant, if any, and upon all persons having recorded any right, title, interest in, or lien on the property. OCGA § 48-4-5.

Suppose the property is not redeemed within the initial 12 month period or within the time allowed under the notice of the right of foreclosure. In that case, redemption is no longer allowed. OCGA § 48-4-47.

Whether you’re buying a tax deed or seeking to redeem a tax deed, please call us at 404-382-9994 to discuss your options.