As a general rule, tax sales are held on the first Tuesday of the month. However, not every county has a tax sale every month. Generally, the tax sales are conducted between the hours of 10 am and 4 pm on the steps of the county courthouse. If the first Tuesday of the month falls on a legal holiday, the sale is held the next day, Wednesday.
The opening bid for a particular property is the amount of tax due, plus penalties, interest, fi. fa. cost, levy cost, administrative levy fee, certified mail cost, advertising cost, and tax deed recording fees. The property is sold to the highest bidder.
Immediately following the conclusion of the tax sale all purchasers must pay in full the amount bid at the auction. Payment must be in the form of cash, certified check, or cashier’s check. Normally, the purchaser to sign a statement attesting to the fact that certain property was purchased for a certain price. After all payments are processed, the count will provide a Tax Deed and the Real Estate Transfer Tax form.
According to O.C.G.A. § 9-13-170, any person who becomes the purchaser of any real or personal property at any sale made at public outcry who fails or refuses to comply with the terms of the sale when requested to do so, shall be liable for the amount of the purchase money. It shall be the county’s option either to proceed against the purchaser for the full amount of the purchase money or to resell the real or personal property and then proceed against the first purchaser for any deficiency arising from the sale.